In this article, you will learn how to create new NFT questions. It is worth noting that some of the question types are similar and some may require additional information.

  1. On the Menu, click the BUILD option. You will be directed to the BUILD page.


  2. In the NFTs panel, find and click the NFT name to select.

  3. The selected NFT opens and displays the Options tab by default. Click the Questions tab to open.


  4. Click the Plus (+) button to create a question.


  5. A window will appear where you can choose the appropriate question type. In the Question Type column, click the question type to select:


  6. After selecting the question type, click the Save button. Another window will appear and the window name depends on the question type that you selected. Each question type may require values that are unique and not available to other types.

  7. In this example, we selected the Name question. Specify the needed information, and click the Save button to create the question.


After creating the question, it will be generated in the main Build page and will look like the one below:


Similar Question Types

The following question types have similar formatting using the Create window: