In this article, you will learn how to add and configure NFT attributes. The Attributes tab enables you to add two (2) attributes:

Adding and Configuring Text Attributes

This section will walk you through how to add and configure NFT Text Attributes. You can add multiple text attributes by repeating the steps below.

  1. On the Menu, click the BUILD option. You will be directed to the BUILD page.


  2. In the NFTs panel, find and click the NFT name to select.

  3. The selected NFT opens and displays the Options tab by default. Click the Attributes tab to open.


  4. Click the Plus (+) button to add an attribute field.


  5. An attribute line item will be created. To create a text attribute, click the Type drop-down arrow and select Text.

  6. In the Name and Value fields, specify the appropriate details.


  7. After configuring the Text attribute(s), click the Save button.

Adding and Setting Date Attributes

This section will walk you through how to add and set Date Attributes.

  1. On the Menu, click the BUILD option. You will be directed to the BUILD page.


  2. In the NFTs panel, find and click the NFT name to select.

  3. The selected NFT opens and displays the Options tab by default. Click the Attributes tab to open.


  4. Click the Plus (+) button to add an attribute field.


  5. An attribute line item will be created. To create a date attribute, click the Type drop-down arrow and select Date.


  6. In the Name field, enter the date attribute name.